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Также вы можете получать вознаграждение, приглашая рефералов на биржу 1inch:
Ответы на вопросы
1. What is the total supply of 1INCH tokens?
2. What is the name ‘1inch’ inspired by?
Oriental martial arts
3. A prototype of the 1inch DEX aggregator was created in just 18 hours during
ETHGlobal hackathon in New York
4. Sergei Kunz, 1inch co-founder and CEO, used to be responsible for software development at
5. Currently, 1inch supports most of the well-known protocols, precisely
6. Which of these characters invited 1inch to the «Three Comma Club» for hitting 1,000,000,000 USD in volumes for the first time
Russ Hanneman
7. Recently, 1inch unveiled a major upgrade of its functionality that was based on an improved algorithm named
8. A unicorn is 1inch’s totem animal, and the first mention of those mythical creatures dates back to
Ancient Greece