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Ответы на вопросы
1. What is the total supply of CKB tokens?
Узнать можно на CoinMarketCap — Total Supply
2. What is the full name of the Layer 1 Blockchain of the Nervos Network?
Common Knowledge Base
3. What consensus algorithm does the Nervos Network use?
Proof of work (PoW)
4. What three features can be attributed to the Nervos Blockchain?
Open-source, permissionless and Proof of Work secured
5. The Nervos Blockchain is purposefully built for optimal…
Layer 2 development and scaling.
6. What is the name of the Nervos Native Token?
The Ckbyte
7. Nervos Native Token can be used for…
Store of Value
8. The Nervos DAO acts as an…
Inflation shelter from secondary issuance